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Southampton, United Kingdom

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Sunday, 22 July 2007

Harry Potter ******Spoiler Warning*********

Well, finally finished the book at 4.10am this morning. I am so glad there was a happy ending, as far as there could have been. What I mean is I am glad Harry, Hermionie and Ron didn't die, and that Voldermort did.
The saddest loss for me was Dobby dieing half way through, I sobbed my heart out all through that section. I was happy to see Kreacher turn to a nicer house elf after being shown kindness and understanding, and that Dumbledore had a murky past made him more real, as he was not perfect. I always had faith in Dumbledores trust in Snape, and it was interesting to see his and Lillys background together explained, that it was his love for her that turned him away from Voldermort, its just a shame he died before the truth came out. Mad eye moodys death was quite sudden but set the pace right at the start, continuing with George losing an ear, and Hedwig sadly dieing. Then right at the end we loose Fred, Lupin and Tonks, and the more sad as Lupin and Tonks had not long been married and had a Baby Son. All in all the ending was perfect, Harry has to die as he is the last Horacrux, but the small part of Voldermorts soul dies and Harry lives, marries Ginny and has 3 kids! Ron and Hermionie marry and have kids too! I was sad to finished the last book in the series, but the way all the lose endings were tied up left me feeling satisfied.

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